Strengthening a Response
Types of Reinforcers:
*Primary Reinforcers: stimuli that increase the probability of a response because they satisfy a unlearned biological need.
**Examples: Food, Water, and Sex
*Secondary Reinforcers: stimuli that increase the probability of a response because of their learned value.
**Examples: Money and Material Possessions
Types of Reinforcement:
*Positive Reinforcement: adding a stimulus which strengthens a response and makes it more likely to reoccur
**Example: You tickle your baby and he or she smiles, where the smile is the positive reinforcement
*Negative Reinforcement: taking away a stimulus which strengthens a response and makes it more likely to reoccur.
**Example: You pick up a baby in order to stop the crying
Negative Reinforcement vs Punishment
Reinforcement strengthens a behavior while punishment weakens a behavior.
**Premack's Principle: uses a natural occurring high frequency response to reinforce an increase low frequency responses.
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